This week Jax is about 13.6 inches and around 1-2 lbs!
His arms and legs will grow to be about their birth length this week! And he'll start reaching for his feet around now. His circulatory system is undergoing tremendous development and his skin is starting to get a pinkish color. Also the blood vessels in his lungs are developing- preparing for him to breathe in a few months.
This week his survival rate would be about 70% with a 55% of medical complications. It's crazy that already he'd have a 45% of NOT having complications!
Congratulations to Jen and Jacob! Baby Braddock was born on June 22nd =)
He is so adorable!
This week I've been super emotional. It definitely hasn't been this bad yet.
Jax has been kicking like CRAZY though which is awesome!
We're starting to put together the baby shower now too! So invitations will be out soon =)
Love you all! Goodnight