Woohoo!! Im into my 2nd Trimester now! I think it officially starts at 13 weeks but close enough!
This week the baby is the size of a Kiwi!
I just demolished a Rogue Gardenburger before this picture so my stomach is pretty distended lol.
I just read today that until about 19 weeks the measurement of the baby is from "crown to rump" so they don't take the legs into consideration yet. Man its growing fast!
So last wednesday I was waking up to go to the bathroom and as I was laying in my bed about to get up I felt a weird sensation that I thought might've been gas. But the feeling was enough to make me think twice and concentrate really hard to see if it happened again.
Then last night I was woken up because a really bad wind storm was making our doors creek... so I sat there listening intently to make sure it was just the wind and I felt that feeling again! This time I can definitely narrow it down to either of two things... it definitely wasn't gas but it was either a tiny muscle spasm in my uterus or the baby! Both times it happened in the same spot and it just lasted for a second. Last night I waited to see if it would happen again and it did one more time so I could definitely pin point the feeling.
I'm going to go against all the skeptics and just pretend I'm feeling the baby every time I feel that little spasm! Cuz I'm pretty sure that is what it would feel like anyway and it just makes it so much more real!
It kind of reminds me of the show "Monsters Inside Me" lol! just kidding. Its weird though.
Anyway. Definitely have my appetite back and Im not really nauseous anymore so if I could just get my face to clear up everything would be perfect!
Im excited to ask my midwife what she thinks about the "Spasm" on Thursday! I'll let you know what she says.
Love ya!